HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Baltimore, Maryland, USA or Virtually from your home or work.
Rizwan Rabbani Baig, Speaker at Immunology Conferences
SAHARA for Life Trust, Pakistan
Title : To save the lives of mothers, newborns and children through reaching the unreached and ensuring the quality of care standards


Reaching the Unreached" is a critical strategy to save the lives of mothers, newborns, and children. We aim to reach the unreached through targeted interventions, by using innovative approaches and technology. By reaching the unreached and ensuring quality care standards & vaccination, we can significantly reduce mortality rates, improve health outcomes, and enhance the well-being of mothers, newborns, and children. We use the "Pathway to Care and Survival" continuum of care to respond to the needs of mothers and newborns with life-saving and supportive care. Access to sexual and reproductive health services including family planning enable people to exercise this right. Sexual and reproductive healthcare can take the form of medical care related to the reproductive system, for example, to treat a sexually transmitted infection, or services that support reproductive choice with the provision of contraception and abortion care.

Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) needs continue and often increase during crises. In this scenario with the absence of law and order and loss of household income, there is increased vulnerability of women to sexual violence, rape, sexual abuse and exchanging sex for food and protection. In crises and post crises situation comprehensive SRH health care, including Family Planning, Safe motherhood, Gynecologic care, STIs/HIV prevention and treatment, vaccination, sexual violence prevention and management, active discouragement of harmful traditional practices, such as early marriages, are required on emergency basis.

MenEngage in Pakistan is a space for members to come together in harmony with those most targeted by gender injustices and patriarchal systems to collectively dismantle structural barriers to women’s rights and gender equality. In many communities, men hold most of the decision-making power at the household level. Men also often play a major role in deciding how women access (or do not access) maternal health services, including for antenatal care (ANC) and childbirth. Engaging men during pregnancy provides an entry point to address the underlying gender inequalities that can hinder maternal health and wellbeing, and to improve couple relations.

Quality of care is the degree to which health services for individuals and populations increase the likelihood of desired health outcomes. Social audit is a way of measuring, understanding, reporting and ultimately improving an organization's social and ethical performance. While medical audit is another imperative tool of quality of care for systematic examination of medical records, billing records, and other relevant information in order to ensure accuracy, compliance, and the best possible care for patients. We can save the lives of mothers, newborns, and children by ensuring to execute the quality of care standards in MNCH centers.

Audience Take Away Notes:

  • By these techniques the healthcare professionals can significantly reduce mortality rates, improve health outcomes, and enhance the well-being of mothers, newborns, and children.
  • Healthcare professionals can execute the quality of care standards at their medical centers and research units.
  • By engaging men, the healthcare professionals may design, plan, implement and monitor the women empowerment projects more effectively.
  • It will surely provide a practical solution to a problem that could simplify or make a designer’s job more efficient.


Dr. Rizwan Rabbani Baig is involved and specialized in the profession of development sector and healthcare entrepreneurship. Dr. Rizwan’s qualification is MBBS, Bachelor in Science, MBA (Marketing), Post Graduate Diploma (PGD) in Nutrition for Physicians about Community Health, Food & Nutrition and certification on “The Minimal Initial Services Package (MISP) for Reproductive Health in Crisis situations a Distance Learning Module”. While, during the remarkable proficient carrier of 22 years in Senior Management, he served as Medical Superintendent and Country Manager/Director in Member Association IPPF London. Dr. Rizwan is serving as General Manager of SAHARA for Life Trust.
