HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Baltimore, Maryland, USA or Virtually from your home or work.

International Vaccines Congress

October 18 -19, 2021 | Online Event

Scientific Program

Oral Presentation (In-person)
Hao Song, The University of Queensland, Australia
Oral Presentation (In-person)
Patricia Canteri de Souza, State University of Londrina, Brazil
Oral Presentation
Heather Mathie, Roslin Institute, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Oral Presentation
Irina Zyrianova, Institute for Innovative Biotechnologies in Animal Husbandry, Russian Federation
Oral Presentation
Afshona Anoyatbekova, Federal Scientific Centre, Russian Federation


Magnus Group with gratification and privilege announcing its “International Vaccines Congress”(IVC 2021), an Online Event scheduled during October 18-19, 2021 with the theme “Current challenges and advancements in vaccines research.” The main aim of IVC-2021 is to provide interaction between health care professionals, Pharma industries, R&D department, Young Researchers, Ph.D. scholars, and other experts in the areas of Infectious Diseases and Vaccines around the world to share about their research studies and new innovations in the field. You can increase your professional skills and discuss the practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted.


Speaker at International Vaccines Congress 2021  - Hao Song

Hao Song

The University of Queensland, Australia
Speaker at International Vaccines Congress 2021  - Khursheed Anwer

Khursheed Anwer

IMUNON Inc., United States
Speaker at International Vaccines Congress 2021  - Idania Marrero

Idania Marrero

Inovio Pharmaceuticals Inc, United States
Speaker at International Vaccines Congress 2021  - Heather Mathie

Heather Mathie

Roslin Institute, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Speaker at International Vaccines Congress 2021  - Patricia Canteri de Souza

Patricia Canteri de Souza

State University of Londrina, Brazil
Speaker at International Vaccines Congress 2021  - Luiza Guilherme

Luiza Guilherme

University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Speaker at International Vaccines Congress 2021  - Domenico Merante

Domenico Merante

Global Clinical Development, Switzerland
Speaker at International Vaccines Congress 2021  - K M Yacob

K M Yacob

Marma Health Centre, India


Pharma Conference 2018 | Rome, Italy
Pharma Conference 2018 | Rome, Italy
Pharma Conference 2017 | Valencia, Spain
Pharma Conference 2017 | Valencia, Spain
Magnus Group Conferences Reveiws
Magnus Group Conferences Reveiws