Lev Bladimir Ramirez, originally from Bogota, Colombia, is currently pursuing a medical degree at Universidad de La Sabana. Lev is actively involved in the "Semillero de Terapia Celular y Metabolismo" under the guidance of Dr. Gustavo Celis. Lev has contributed to the field of research with publications like "Modeling Metabolic Diseases with Organoids: A Review" in the Journal of Biomedical Research & Environmental Sciences and "Doble Aneuploidia 48, XXY, +21 en Células de Líquido Amniótico a las 16 Semanas de Gestación" in Revista Colombiana de Pediatría . Lev also participated in the "VIII Encuentro Institucional de Grupos de Investigación y XI Encuentro Institucional de Semilleros de Investigación,"
Title : Association between COVID-19 vaccination and menstrual disturbances: A retrospective cohort analysis.